The Kinghan Family

Last updated: 05/05/2015 13:14 by e-kinghan to e-kinghan's Blog
Filed under: Bedwetting Mum Bloggers
I found when James started school he started wetting the bed a few times but this year now it's most nights I try to make sure he doesn't have a drink after 6pm but it's not making any difference. We also lift him out to the toilet before we go to bed.
Week 1
I limited James drink intake every day for the last week at 4:30 and lifted him to the toilet every night at 11pm. Out of the 7nights, he wet the bed 6nights. The only drinks he got was with his lunch to school and a drink with his dinner so I don't feel that he is drinking too much. 
Week 2
We continued with the night-lifting this week and also introduced a food remedy that we had heard can sometimes work for bedwetting.
James started eating raisins in the evening time and so far this week he has only wet the bed one night! 
We have also been making sure that James regularly empties his bowels during the day as well as going to the toilet regularly.
At bedtime we now make sure that he goes for a wee before he brushes his teeth and then we try again after he has brushed his teeth, we even try again after we have done a little reading in bed and before we turn out the light to go asleep.
I don't know if it's the raisins or the triple peeing before sleep or maybe the night-lifting to the toilet but he is much happier in the mornings when he realises he hasn't wet the bed. 
I also started a reward chart this week so if he doesn't wet the bed he get a sticker and when he gets a few stickers he gets a prize or a treat. James was quiet disappointed when he wet the bed on Thursday night as he wanted a sticker and didn't like his pjs wet when he woke. 
Week 3 
James got the new laser pegs toy this week, it's like lego that lights up and he has wanted them for a while. In return, he made me a promise that he would go to the toilet before bed and if he felt he needed to use toilet during the day or night he would go straight away. So far, this has worked a treat with the only hiccup of a wet bed on one morning.
This week we also tried a homeopathic remedy, two little tablets that he sucks on three times a day, so these could also be contributing to James' success. We have continued with the night-lifting just before we go to bed and no drinks after 5pm too. 
James is delighted when he wakens in the morning to tell me "mammy look I didn't wet the bed", we also praise him and you can see he is delighted with himself. I am hoping this James' bedwetting will continue to improve and that he will eventually stop wetting the bed. For the time being however, we are delighted with the improvement so far, going from 7 wet beds a week down to just 1.
Week 4
This week has been the best so far for James. I tried the medication for bedwetting under prescription from my doctor this week. The week started well and I gave him the tablet each evening for the first 2 nights and those 2 nights he didn't wet the bed, however he wasn't keen on taking the tablets. 
We made a deal for the next 5 nights that if he tried not to wet the bed then I wouldn't give him the tablets again but I went back to night-lifting him then and each time I lifted he went to the toilet. The good news is he was dry every single morning for the whole week!
James is so much happier now and he can't wait to tell us he hasn't wet the bed every morning. Overall the experience of doing the bedwetting challenge has taught us a lot and helped us to understand why he might be bedwetting and what we need to do to help him control it until hopefully he will grow out of it. 
James' progress has been amazing this last 4 weeks, we have had good & bad nights but this week is proving to be the best week yet. James has now gotten used to us lifting him at night and now asks "Mammy what time is it oh yea I can't have a drink now as I might wet the bed".
Déanta in Éirinn - Sheology