Each year, schools provide a list of dates that they will be closed throughout the year. Knowing when the kids are off is important, particularly if you have to organise childcare in advance, so make sure you bookmark this article.
While schools will provide their own detailed list of closures, here we have outlined a general list of term-times and holidays, according to the Department of Education.
Friday, 1st
Schools reopen after the summer holidays.
Monday, 30th
Schools close for mid-term break.
Monday, 6th
Schools reopen after mid-term break.
Friday, 22 nd
Schools close for Christmas holidays.
Monday, 8th
Schools reopen after Christmas holidays.
Monday, 12th – Friday, 16th
Post-primary schools close for mid-term break.
Thursday, 15th and Friday, 16th
Primary schools close for mid-term. This is subject to individual schools.
Friday, 23rd
Schools close for Easter holidays.
Monday, 9th
Schools reopen after the Easter break.
Monday, 1st
Schools close for May Bank Holiday.
Schools close for summer holidays. This is subject to individual schools.
For more information, check out www.education.ie.