Having a house full of all men is very special. 


The cuddles, the noise, the mud - it all makes for some seriously delicious chaos. 


What makes it all the funnier is that it is all completely new to me. I come from a houseful of girls. I was never a tomboy - I went to an all-girls school and now work in a very female environment. 



But I wouldn't change my 'boy mom' status for the world. Here are the top reasons why I adore my little army of blue:


1. Easy Hair


Wet it, slick it, done. No elaborate french plaits in our house.


2. They need me!

I understand that little girls need their mums too, but there is something so sweet and vulnerable about little boys and the way they cling to their mums. My sons always run back to me for 'one more hug' when I'm dropping them off at school. I know there is a shelf-life on this but I treasure those little boy moments.



3. Mini minders


Even though my little guys are still only up to my shoulder, I feel like they are fiercely protective over me and anything I do. I know that I can depend on them to do right by me.


4. Simple life


Once they are in mud or yielding cardboard swords, they are content. No complicated crafts or beads with these little warriors. 


5. It is nice to parent someone who is not like you 


This one is bittersweet - of course, we'd all love a mini-me, but at the same time, it is nice to approach parenting boys with a fresh perspective. I was never a boy, I have no idea what boys like, so everything is new and interesting, rather than reliving my own childhood via a daughter. 


6. Say what you feel


There is no beating around the bush here. My sons will give me a thumbs down instantly if they dislike an outfit of mine. Sometimes this no-nonsense approach is what I need. They say what is on their minds with no filter most of the time. This is a refreshing departure from my norm. 



7. Low maintenance


My boys have ONE pair of shoes each. And when they get ruined (after circa two months) they get replaced. No fancy-pants rows of clogs, sandals, boots and pumps in our house (except my own, of course!) 


8. Brush up on everything Starwars

It is akin to a religion in our house. From knowing absolutely NOTHING about this iconic series, I can now almost quote entire sequences from some of them. Boba Fett forever. 



9. The chats


During the day, my boys are monosyllabic but at bedtime, there are some serious chats about everything from asking about their late grandfather to what they will possibly spend their pocket money on. Bedtime turns into storytime instead of vice versa and when the conversation veers wildly from topic to topic, I find myself entering their little world and seeing things from their perspective. There is no agenda - boys are straightforward, blunt and serious mummy's boys. 


10. The future


My middle son told me the other day that he would never love someone as much as me. I cried. Of course, they will grow up and become seriously amazing husbands or partners to other people and hopefully have their own families, but I know that no matter how old I am, I will always have three handsome men looking out for me. 


Of course, personality always trumps gender and there is part of me that will always wonder what it is like to have a little girl. But honestly, I never realised how much I would love these loud, noisy creatures. They never stop moving or shouting or climbing, but they are my chaotic little army and I feel like I was born to be a boy mum. 

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