Kids are amazing, hilarious, eccentric little humans. So naturally, spending time with them is one of our favourite things in the world.


However, between running the house, working and the million and one other things we have to do each day, through sheer logistics, this can take a back seat.


So with that in mind, here are seven compelling reasons why we should let the washing pile up once in a while, and instead spend some quality time with our little ones:


1. They won’t be little forever


Yep, we know; the thought of our little babies growing up makes us want to bawl too, so that’s why it’s so important to make the most of this precious time. Right now they think we’re just about the coolest people in the world, so let’s enjoy that before the teenage “Whatever mum!” eye-rolling begins!



2. They love being with us


Our children love nothing more than spending time with us – which can make us feel pretty guilty when it’s not always possible to do that as much as we would like. But go easy on yourself and remember that quality trumps quantity. So even putting aside 30 minutes each evening to read to them, or chat about their day giving them your full attention, will go a long way in making quality moments of connection.


3. They inspire us to be more creative


Children have a limitless imagination, which definitely rubs off on us the more time we spend with them! They’re not solely concerned with what is logical, and have this pretty wonderful knack of thinking anything is possible. This inspires us to become more imaginative and creative in our own everyday lives, which can boost mood and positivity.



4. Kids see the world differently from grown ups


Children give us a magical window into what the world looks like through their eyes. They’re adventurers, learners and explorers, fascinated by the world around them. And one way brilliant way to join them on this exploration is to sign up to brand new website Kindernauts, created by the guys at Kinder Chocolate. The (free!) interactive site is a fantastic resource for parents looking for activity ideas and challenges for their energetic kids. Plus there’s the chance to win holiday, as well as cool personalised backpacks.Sign us up!


5. It’s FUN


To put it simply, spending quality time with our kiddos is great craic – children are basically mini comedians, so it does our hearts good to share some belly laughs with them. They have no filter, so we never know what gems they’re going to come out with next!


SHARE if spending time with your kids is your favourite thing in the world! 


