Always read the label
Iron is a vital mineral during pregnancy, with the developing baby solely depending on its mother's supplies. Still, it's estimated that every year, 35% of pregnant women become iron deficient in their first trimester and 85% will have become iron deficient by their third trimester. Iron deficiency is especially common in women carrying twins, vegetarians or women who are having pregnancies close together. An adult woman needs to absorb between 1.5 - 2mg of iron per day. For a pregnant woman, this can increase to 2 - 4mg in the second trimester and 3 - 6mg in the third trimester*. Almost triple the amount! 

If iron levels aren’t addressed during pregnancy, they are likely to affect women post-natally, further exacerbated by blood loss during labour and breastfeeding. The absorption of iron is a complex process, and a large percentage of the iron in food sources is actually excreted. During pregnancy, your iron levels will be screened in regular intervals to ensure your body has sufficient amounts of iron for you and your developing baby. If you are found to be iron deficient, your doctor or midwife will advise you to take an iron supplement to boost your iron levels. However, not all iron supplements are the same, and many women experience unpleasant side-effects (such as constipation or nausea) from conventional iron tablets due to the following reason: Iron absorption from conventional ferrous sulphate (iron) tablets is estimated to be up to 10%**. That means you take a high dose of iron (usually around 60mg) but only absorb a little. 
Your iron levels may be effectively rectified, but the iron you can’t absorb is excreted, causing the unpleasant side effects (e.g. constipation, nausea or headaches) that force many women to stop taking their prescribed medicine. Unlike conventional iron supplements, Spatone has been scientifically shown to help prevent iron deficiency during pregnancy whilst being extra gentle on the stomach***. Because you take a low dose of iron (one sachet of Spatone contains only 5mg of elemental iron) but absorb a lot (an average of 40%****), it stands to reason that your body doesn’t need to excrete as much. Thanks to Spatone's high absorption rate you shouldn’t experience any unpleasant side-effects but still supply your body with sufficient amounts of iron for you and your growing baby. Less time to worry about constipation, more time to enjoy your pregnancy - thanks to Spatone, 100% natural iron food supplement!
For more information, visi t the website
* Mayet FGH (1985) Anaemia of pregnancy. South African Medical Journal 67, 804-809
** D. McKenna (Royal Victoria Hospital) et al. 'a randomised trial investigating an iron-rich natural mineral water as a prophylaxis against iron deficiency in pregnancy' in Clinical and Laboratory Haematology, 2003, 25 99-103
*** G. Halksworth (Royal Glamorgan Hospital) et al. 'iron absorption from Spatone for prevention of iron deficiency in pregnancy' in Clinical and Laboratory Haematology, 2003, 25 227-231
**** M. Worwood (University of Wales College of Medicine) et al. 'iron absorption from a natural mineral water' in Clinical and Laboratory Haematology, 1996, 18 23-27

