Well, when we say tech-free we don’t mean you unplug the fridge or the dishwasher or anything crazy like that. What we mean is put away your smart phone, turn off the telly and game consoles and stay away from the laptop or computer.
Technology is everywhere but sometimes it can get in the way of family time. These five tips will ensure you have at least one tech-free weekend.
Unplug the telly
The night before make sure you unplug every television in your house and pop a sticker on each one saying 'weekend off'. This way, if the kids get up before you, they won’t just automatically turn on the telly. Expect a few moans and whinges out of them first thing, but try to plough through it.
Put away your phone
If you have a landline, it is easy enough to put your mobile phone away. However, if your mobile is the only way people can contact you, you probably need to keep it out. Put it on loud and pop it somewhere where you won’t end up checking your social media sites all day. If your kids have phones, tell them to put them somewhere they won’t be tempted by them.   
Have some activities ready
Brace yourself for a weekend of ‘I’m bored’ coming from your kids. To avoid this or at least keep it to a minimum, make sure you have some activities lined up that will keep them happy. Lists are great. Write down what you are going to do each day and get started as soon as you wake up. Plan things like trips to the park, bike rides or simply play football in the garden.
Evening entertainment
As night falls you will need other forms of entertainment as you can't resort to the TV to keep the kids happy until bedtime. Board games or card games like snap are great for keeping everyone entertained in the evenings. They are also ideal for showing the kids games thst you used to play when you were younger.
Do something you have been putting off for weeks
If you have been putting off painting the house or cleaning the shed, now is the weekend to do it. A job that occupies your mind for a long time is a great way to stop you feeling like you are missing out on something by not checking social media or emails. Also, with the kids’ heads out of their computers they will be able to help – sure what else would they be doing.
This weekend, just put it away.

